Tuning a PID (Three-Mode) Controller
There are three common types of temperature/process controllers: ON/OFF, PROPORTIONAL, and PID (PROPORTIONAL INTEGRAL DERIVATIVE).
An on-off controller is
the simplest form of temperature
control device. The output
from the device is either
on or off, with no middle
state. An on/off controller
will switch the output
only when the temperature
crosses the setpoint. For
heating control, the output
is on when the temperature
is below the setpoint,
and off above the setpoint.
Although capable of more complex control functions, the NEWPORT microprocessor based MICRO-INFINITY ® AUTOTUNE PID 1/16 DIN Controller can be operated as a simple On/Off Controller. The NEWPORT INFINITY ® series and INFINITY C ® series of highly accurate microprocessor based digital panel meters can all function as simple On/Off controllers.
With simple On/Off control, since the temperature crosses the setpoint to change the output state, the process temperature will be cycling continually, going from below setpoint to above, and back below. In cases where this cycling occurs rapidly, and to prevent damage to contactors and valves, an on-off differential, or ôhysteresis,ö is added to the controller operations. This differential requires that the temperature exceed setpoint by a certain amount before the output will turn off or on again. On-off differential prevents the output from ôchatteringö or fast, continual switching if the temperature cycling above and below setpoint occur very rapidly.
ôOn-Offö is the most commonly used form of control, and for most applications it is perfectly adequate. ItÆs used where a precise control is not necessary, in systems which cannot handle the energy being turned on and off frequently, and where the mass of the system is so great that temperatures change extremely slowly.
Backup alarms are typically controlled with ôOn-Offö relays. One special type of on-off control used for alarm is a limit controller. This controller uses a latching relay, which must be manually reset, and is used to shut down a process when a certain temperature is reached.
Proportional control is
designed to eliminate the
cycling above and below
the setpoints associated
with On-Off control. A
proportional controller
decreases the average power
being supplied to a heater
for example, as the temperature
approaches setpoint. This
has the effect of slowing
down the heater, so that
it will not overshoot the
setpoint, but will approach
the setpoint and maintain
a stable temperature.
This proportioning action can be accomplished by different methods. One method is with an analog control output such as a 4-20 mA output controlling a valve or motor for example. With this system, with a 4 mA signal from the controller, the valve would be fully closed, with 12 mA open halfway, and with 20 mA fully open.
Another method is ôtime proportioningö i.e. turning the output on and off for short intervals to vary the ratio of ôonö time to ôoffö time to control the temperature or process.
With the analog output option, the NEWPORT INFINITY ® series and INFINITY C ® series of 1/8 DIN digital panel meters can function as proportional controllers. In addition, NEWPORT offers models of ôINFINITY Cö for thermocouple and RTD inputs featuring Time-Proportioning Control with its built in mechanical relays.
With proportional control, the proportioning action occurs within a ôproportional bandö around the setpoint temperature. Outside this band, the controller functions as an on-off unit, with the output either fully on (below the band) or fully off (above the band). However, within the band, the output is turned on and off in the ratio of the measurement difference from the setpoint. At the setpoint (the midpoint of the proportional band), the output on:off ratio is 1:1; that is, the on-time and off-time are equal. If the temperature is further from the setpoint, the on- and off-times vary in proportion to the temperature difference. If the temperature is below setpoint, the output will be on longer; if the temperature is too high, the output will be off longer.
The proportional band is usually expressed as a percent of full scale, or degrees. It may also be referred to as gain, which is the reciprocal of the band. Note, that in time proportioning control, full power is applied to the heater, but cycled on and off, so the average time is varied. In most units, the cycle time and/or proportional band are adjustable, so that the controller may be better matched to a particular process.
One of the advantages of proportional control is the simplicity of operation. However, the proportional controller will generally require the operator to manually ôtuneö the process, i.e. to make a small adjustment (manual reset) to bring the temperature to setpoint on initial startup, or if the process conditions change significantly.
Systems that are subject to wide temperature cycling need proportional control. Depending on the precision required, some processes may require full ôPIDö control.
(Proportional Integral Derivative)
Processes with long
time lags and large maximum
rate of rise (e.g., a heat
exchanger), require wide
proportional bands to eliminate
oscillation. The wide band
can result in large offsets
with changes in the load.
To eliminate these offsets,
automatic reset (integral)
can be used. Derivative
(rate) action can be used
on processes with long
time delays, to speed recovery
after a process disturbance.
The most sophisticated form of discrete control available today combines PROPORTIONAL with INTEGRAL and DERIVATIVE or PID .
The NEWPORT MICRO-INFINITY® is a full function ôAutotuneö (or self-tuning) PID controller which combines proportional control with two additional adjustments, which help the unit automatically compensate to changes in the system. These adjustments, integral and derivative, are expressed in time-based units; they are also referred to by their reciprocals, RESET and RATE, respectively.
The proportional, integral and derivative terms must be individually adjusted or ôtunedö to a particular system.
It provides the most accurate and stable control of the three controller types, and is best used in systems which have a relatively small mass, those which react quickly to changes in energy added to the process. It is recommended in systems where the load changes often, and the controller is expected to compensate automatically due to frequent changes in setpoint, the amount of energy available, or the mass to be controlled.
The ôautotuneö or self-tuning function means that the MICRO-INFINITY will automatically calculate the proper proportional band, rate and reset values for precise control.
Tuning a PID (Three-Mode)
Tuning a temperature controller involves setting the proportional, integral, and derivative values to get the best possible control for a particular process. If the controller does not include an autotune algorithm or the autotune algorithm does not provide adequate control for the particular application, the unit must then be tuned using a trial and error method.
following is a tuning procedure
® controller. It can
be applied to other controllers
as well. There are other
tuning procedures which
can also be used, but they
all use a similar trial
and error method. Note
that if the controller
uses a mechanical relay
(rather than a solid state
relay) a longer cycle time
(10 seconds) is recommended
when starting out.
following definitions may
be needed:
A PID (three-mode) controller is capable of exceptional control stability when properly tuned and used. The operator can achieve the fastest response time and smallest overshoot by following these instructions carefully. The information for tuning this three mode controller may be different from other controller tuning procedures. Normally an AUTO PID tuning feature will eliminate the necessity to use this manual tuning procedure for the primary output, however, adjustments to the AUTO PID values may be made if desired.
the controller is installed
and wired:
Apply power to the controller.
Disable the control outputs.
(Push enter twice)
Program the controller
for the correct input type
(See Quick Start Manual).
Enter desired value for
setpoint 1
For time proportional relay
output, set the cycle time
to 10 seconds or greater.
NOTE: On units with dual three-mode outputs, the primary and secondary proportional parameter is independently set and may be tuned separately. The procedure used in this section is for a HEATING primary output. A similar procedure may be used for a primary COOLING output or a secondary COOLING output.
RESET = (5/8 ) x To
Where To = Oscillation Time in Seconds. Enter the value for RESET in OUT 1 (follow the same procedure as outlined in preparation section, step 7 to set RESET).
RATE = To 10
Where T = Oscillation Time in Seconds. Enter this value for RATE in OUT 1 (follow the same procedure as outline in preparation section, step 7 to set RATE).
RATE = (4/25) x RESET
The same procedure is used as defined for heating. The process should be run at a setpoint that requires cooling control before the temperature will stabilize.
The following procedure is a graphical technique of analyzing a process response curve to a step input. It is much easier with a strip chart recorder reading the process variable (PV).
Example: The chart recording in Figure 5 was obtained by applying full power to an oven. The chart scales are 10°F/cm, and 5 min/cm. The controller range is -200 - 900°F, or a span of 1100°F. Maximum slope = 18°F/5 minutes = 3.6°F/minutes. Time delay = Td = approximately 7 minutes.
Proportional Band = 7 minutes x 3.6°F / minutes = 25.2°F.
Note: Prop Band in Micro-Infinity is set in degrees/ counts. Reset = 7/.04 minutes = 17.5 min. or 1050 secs. Note: Reset in Micro-Infinity is specified in seconds Rate = 0.4 x 7 minutes = 2.8 min. or 168 secs.
Set Prop Band to: 025.0; Set Reset to: 1050 Set Rate to: 168 Follow step 6 and 7 of the preparation section to set new values for Prop Band, Reset, and Rate.